Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Not to be a prig or anything...

I have never liked soda. Even as a kid, I realized I should like it as it was a treat and all that. But it just kind of burned my throat and tasted too sweet. I didn't get the good times everyone seemed to have when they drank it in those commercials. I consider myself lucky to have this aversion, especially when I read this infographic about how it affects the body.  Coke Does A Body Bad

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Monday, July 13, 2015

Cat Videos are funny for a reason

It seems as though all a cat owner has to do is point a camera a their kitty and vs. cucumber

Jazz Hands Save The Day

Sometimes life is hard. I wake up at 3:00am and it's too early to get up, but my mind races like this: *blue ball mania* so the only way to reset all the crazy is laugh out loud. This makes me laugh. Every time: Jazz Hands

Filed Under: Typewriter Love

I learned to type on a manual typewriter as a senior in high school. Keyboard was blank. We were required to look up at the model clipped to the blackboard. I was very good at typing. I think the nuns were relieved as I clearly was not headed for college and they felt I could leave school with a marketable skill. They were correct.

Leroy Anderson's "The Typewriter" 1950