Sunday, November 15, 2015

The struggle is real. The older I get the more invisible I become. This has its bad points...and lots of good.  The bad is that when I was younger I attracted a lot of attention, some if it purposeful and lots of it not. Tall, ridiculously long hair, and lots of snarky comebacks and comments. People listened to me, men wanted to be with me, women felt comfortable with me.

Now, I can be my witty, outgoing self but it all falls into an empty bucket of who-gives-a-shit. Great. Now I can just stop trying to impress, attract, outdo, or befriend everyone. Whew. That's a relief. Time to face the rest of my life thinking of what I want to do/say/wear/be.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Not to be a prig or anything...

I have never liked soda. Even as a kid, I realized I should like it as it was a treat and all that. But it just kind of burned my throat and tasted too sweet. I didn't get the good times everyone seemed to have when they drank it in those commercials. I consider myself lucky to have this aversion, especially when I read this infographic about how it affects the body.  Coke Does A Body Bad

Tuesday, July 21, 2015